Mark Gonzales wage beauty in Peace House

On Monday 4th November 2013, Peace House in London welcomed a conversation with Mark Gonzales on staying lovely in times of painful ignorance.

As the spectacular fireworks was displaying on London Sky, Mark has managed to bring colours into our life via his words and energy.

I noted down the below quotes from his event which was titled “Poetic Secrets to Surviving the Idiots”

“Love let the lovers be loved”

“In a world that tends to reduce everything to figures and numbers, we do not have to forget that 1 million people is one person one million times”

I invite you all to access his world and integrate into his poetry. It will for sure wage beauty in your life and he welcomes you to embrace it.

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Mark 2

Audience with Mark Gonzales



My photo with Mark came after exchanging conversation about healing process and creativity. He introduced me to a new book by Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way, a course in discovering and recovering your creative soul. I have indeed bought the book, and shall dedicate a review in a new post once I complete the course with courage.

Many thanks to The Islamic Human Rights Commission @ihrc for organising this event, which brought us all warmth and joy.

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